Low Cost Dental Implants — Options & Choices
Is it possible to get Low Cost Dental Implants ?
Dental implants are expensive. They can set you back a few thousand dollars. As it is not covered by any insurance — health or dental — you will be on your own when it comes to dental implants. People with low-income levels find it almost impossible to get low cost dental implants.
Dental implants are a new innovation used to replace missing teeth. The process involves three phases.
Phase one is the actual surgical placement of the implant.
Phase two is the abutment that screws into the implant.
Phase three is the actual crown that is cemented onto the abutment.
With your dental implants you can eat almost anything because there’s a tissue conditioner on the temporary denture so that the area to be implanted will be safe from trauma. That’s why the procedure is so popular.
However before you can proceed for dental implants, you’ll have to save some money to pay out of pocket. For low cost dental implants, an option you can explore is traveling abroad to a country like India. Here the cost of dental implants is cheaper while the quality of work is exceptional.
Another low cost dental implant option is the All-on-4 dental implants (full implants) plus permanent denture. This is a viable solution for people with removable dentures. In many cases, All-on-4 can be done without need for bone-grafting due to the unique implant procedure.
All-on-4 implants plus permanent denture is a FDA approved procedure that was devised in Europe. There are many Western trained implantologists practicing in Bangkok, Thailand who will do this at far lesser cost than in the United States.
The cost of All-on-4 in the US is between $20,000-$30,000 per jaw. In Bangkok, the All-on-4 procedure costs between $10,000 and $12,000 per jaw. It takes 7–10 days for the complete procedure. It is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for All-on-4 and the implantologist would need to see a digital xray of the patient’s jaw to make that judgment.
Without dental implants you will continue to lose bone as you get older, and this will probably lead to you looking a lot older than you really are. Eventually there may not be enough bone to hold in your dentures. So, research aggressively to choose low cost dental implants that suits your budget at an early stage.
On our website at ‘A Dentist’s Daughter’, we focus on preventive measures more than treatment. And using an excellent dental cleaning solution like one of the Oral B electric toothbrush range of devices can help put off the day you even require dental implants.
How To Get Cheap & Affordable Dental Implants?
The average cost of dental implants varies widely across different parts of the US. Most dental insurance plans don’t cover tooth implants cost as they are considered as cosmetic dental procedures.
If you have dental insurance and your co-payments are 20%, then for a $750 dollar procedure you will have to spend $150 out of pocket. But this is valid only if you can prove that you lost a tooth in an accident.
In case you had an accident and lost a tooth and you are undergoing the dental implant procedure to replace the tooth, then the price of dental implants will be covered by your dental insurance company — provided your dentist attests to this fact. Anyway talk to your insurance company and dentist about this and find out what additional details you need to provide.
The average cost of dental implants will depend to a great extent on where you live. But a ball park number is $1,500 dollar for the implant and another $1,000 to $1,200 dollars for the crown. Then there are other places where the the cost may half of this. Again this depends on the dentist, the place where you live, the brand of the implant you want, and so on.
You can check out the average cost of dental implants in your area by talking to a few implant dentists in your city. They should be happy to provide you with the details. If you find a good, experienced and competent implant dentist then don’t decide just based on the average cost of dental implants alone.
In the long run you may end up paying more for your average cost of dental implants if you choose a incompetent and inexperienced dentist.
The healing time for the tooth implant is about 3–6 months before the final crown is placed and it is about the same for mini dental implants. If a teeth needs to be pulled out then the dentist will wait until you your extraction site is healed, and then proceed with the cost dental implant process. There are sterile implant parts that have to be placed in the bone, and this is usually a mini-surgical procedure in the dental office.
At a certain point you have to have healing caps placed. Sometimes implants take anywhere from 3–6 months, maybe a year. During this process you’ll have to come back and get impressions once the implant can be exposed and then these materials are sent to a lab where your crown is fabricated. It will take a little bit of time.
You may want to consult your dentist and negotiate a little about the average cost of dental implants. Many will be willing to take a small cut rather than lose a patient.